Radiant Energy

In 1901, Nikola Tesla patented a receiver of radiant energy. Nominally a receiver of radiant energy from the sky, but the intrinsic nature, with its excitation mechanism, promotes electrical oscillations to generate infinite energy.

Nikola Tesla patented a receiver of radiant energy

In the picture above, there are 2 collectors of radiant energy corresponding to figure 1 and figure 2.

Two problems with the collection of radiant energy in nature:

  1. In the first machine, Fig. 1, states that there is a electrostatic difference in the dielectric between the earth and the sky. The energy obtained is not too much. Want more power, it has to be scaled up.
  2. In the second machine, Fig. 2, is the development method for the method shown in Fig. 1. Specifically, the stimulation, resonance is based on the dielectric tension in the Ether. On a small scale, but thanks to excitation and resonance, unlimited electrical energy is generated. This is how to generate energy for flying saucers, space travel.
 Although the Tesla patent explains simply using a mechanical device to induce excitation and resonance. But this explanation reveals a method of generating unlimited energy using electronic components. That is, excitation and resonance do not use mechanical devices, but use electrical fluctuations of electronic circuits. It was Tesla who did this with its legendary car but also the truth. Because Tesla's nephew and many others act as witnesses.

Tesla Radiant Energy is essentially Impulse Technology, which relies on combining electrical oscillations to drive the system to generate arbitrary energy.

Here is a list of articles on radiant energy:

Based on the first version of Nikola Tesla, inventors can create many different versions, typically Moray's generator.

Other famous inventions about radiant energy:

1. Edwin Gray's Invention

Radiant Energy - Edwin Gray's Invention
Edwin Gray Energy System

The blue wires represent the high frequency current path that powers the load 36.

The red wires represent the current discharge path that occurs when the spark gap in the Gray conversion tube 14 fires. Storage batteries 40 and 18 alternately recover the discharge energy through a double-poled switch 48.

When the capacitor 16 discharges an intense oscillating high frequency electromagnetic field is generated through the “switching tube” and load circuit.

Diode 46 returns nearly 100% of the energy that is not used by load 36.

Capacitor 38 and inductive load 36 constitutes a tank circuit that resonates at 6Khz.

2. Radiant Half Bridge Circuit, For Longitudinal Waves - by Master Ivo

Radiant Energy: Radiant Half Bridge Circuit, For Longitudinal Waves - by Master Ivo

This is a radiant energy version that works with a Bifilar coil, to generate a vertical electrical pulse, not a horizontal one. Watch videos and comments on this type of generator: Resonance on the Bifilar Coils to Create Infinite Energy

Innovative circuit for radiant energy - impulse technology:

Innovative circuit for radiant energy - impulse technology:
At the core of this circuit is the high voltage switch, comprised of two series MOSFETs that switch simultaneously. This component is pivotal in managing the flow of energy. 

This circuit is a dual resonant system, with L2 as the primary coil and L3 as the secondary coil. Both coils are meticulously tuned to their resonant frequencies. L2 is series resonant with C2, while L3 is parallel resonant with C3. Importantly, both L2 and L3 are in longitudinal magneto-dielectric resonant mode, meaning their voltages and currents are precisely 180 degrees out of phase.

3. Moray's radiant energy

Practical guide - in just one box - engineer Moray's way
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.

        Thomas H. Moray invented a high efficiency 6,000-hertz power supply. It turns out that Edwin Gray’s power supply also produced this same frequency. Gray claimed that electrical equipment such as solid state radio; television and light bulbs would operate on this type of current.

        The overall efficiency of the Gray device was said to be extremely high. From one of his company press releases we are told that it will power loads four times longer in comparison to a standard DC to AC inverter power supply. This particular press statement indicates that he was planning to market a device that outputted 6,000 cycles (6Khz frequency), as compared to the standard 60Hz frequency coming from the public utility power grid.

        Both the Moray and Gray energy systems harnessed a very old source of energy in very unique ways. They could be the solution to our power needs by using an inexpensive renewable energy. The advantages over other systems are many. The World is indeed moving at a suicidal pace, we need this technology more than ever. It will light lights, run motors and electrical appliances.

        Series of research articles about Moray generators: Radiant Energy - Moray Generator


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