Many research scholars believe that J.P. Moran prevented Nikola Tesla from doing Free Energy projects. So is this correct?A small note on the relationship between J.P. Moran and Nikola Tesla:In 1901, ...
Tesla's Radiant Energy patent presents a mechanism for closing and breaking an electrical circuit, which produces a targeted surge of voltage, and this is called Impulse Technology. See the patent her...
Those are articles from free energy scholars, not by Thomas H. Moray himself. They are followers of the quantum cult deciphering Moray's ideas.
Why didn't Thomas H. Moray write it down? Actually, Moray has been banned from many fields since he intends to bring his Radiant Energy device and Electrotherapeutic Medical device to the market. He was banned because he violated the interests of the Energy corporation at the time, corporations including oil and power companies. In addition, Moray's electrotherapy device also disputes interest with the drug company FDA drug company. Perhaps Moray was like Wilhelm Reich, both of whom had electrotherapy equipment suppressed by pharmaceutical companies.
Nikola Tesla was the first to bring to the core the problem of radiant energy, with a patent for a device that captures radiant energy in 1901. View detail: Radiant Energy Definition
After that, many other versions of radiant energy were born.
Tesla's radiant energy has nothing to do with quantum physics. And so Moray's version of the radiant energy generator has nothing to do with quantum physics either.
On the other hand, the radiated energy of Tesla is explained based on the Ether field theory. With this Theory, the atom is an autonomous Ether field, without elementary particles, virtual particles like today's quantum cults.
That means that the articles listed above, created by research scholars, are inaccurate studies. They may be the ones who are distracting the human mind.
Here are some studies on Free Energy in particular, and the field of electricity in general, all unrelated to quantum physics:
Research by Walter Russell:
1. Regarding The Quantum Theory
“This theory claims not only that energy is within matter, but that it exists in “bundles”. Its very basis has no relation to Nature anywhere, nor to the working of polarity – the great divider – nor to the electric wave.” - Walter Russell
2. Rutherford-Bohr Atom Has No Place in Nature.
“All modern theories of atomic structure have no more relation
to Nature than green cheese.”
“The entire modern theory of atomic structure is so utterly
without parallel or precedent in Nature that fantasy only
mildly expresses it. It is to be regretted that the profound
thinking of profound men is thus being wasted on conclusions
which cannot possibly endure.”
“And as for the little wire cages studded with marbles, which
are supposed to show how the atoms determine crystallization
….they are just funny.”
- Dr. Walter Russell
3. Beware of Baby Science!
“The other shock to science will be a complete overthrow of such theories as the Bohr atom, the quantum theory and - more important still - of the nature of electricity. Science has a very primitive idea about electricity and magnetism, in fact it is childish and not worthy of grown ups.” ~ Dr. Walter Russell
“To describe an electron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding-contracting particle. There is no such condition in nature as a negative charge, nor are there negatively charged particles. Charge and discharge are opposite conditions, as filling and emptying, or compressing and expanding are opposite conditions.” – W. Russell
Research by Ken Wheeler:
Does an Electron 'particle' exist? N. Tesla, Heaviside, JC Maxwell & CP Steinmetz said NO
On the whole subject of matter, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the accepted atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an “electron” as pictured by science.
JJ Thomson developed the “Ether Atom” ideas of M. Faraday into his “Electronic Corpuscle”, this indivisible unit. One corpuscle terminates on one Faradic tube of force, and this quantifies as one Coulomb. This corpuscle is not and electron, it is a constituent of what today is known incorrectly as an “electron”. (Thomson relates 1000 corpuscles per electron) In this view, that taken by W. Crookes, J.J. Thomson, and N. Tesla, the cathode ray is not electrons, but in actuality corpuscles of the Ether.” – E. Dollard
“Electrons as a separate, distinct entity…doesn’t really exist, they are merely bumps in something called a ‘field’.” - Dr. Steve Biller
Here is information about radiant energy:
Radiant Energy
Radiant energy is the form of energy produced by the compressed Ether structure, it exists in electronic circuits (most easily seen in coils when electrical transients are generated) and in the universe.
When Ether perturbations at high frequencies, will produce high voltage surges in extremely short time, the exploitation of this form of energy is a school of its own. Master IVO is a fan of using this method. The pioneer of the method of harnessing radiant energy at high frequencies is Nikola Tesla. This technology of Tesla is also known as pulse technology. According to many scholars, this is the technology to create the power to power the flying saucer and anti-gravity.
Radiant energy is also available in nature. Nikola Tesla also invented the receiver of radiant energy from the sky. This is a generator of radiant energy in a static form.
In general, radiant energy generators come in two forms, which are static and dynamic.
Basic: Using resonance of electrical oscillations after exploiting electrical transients in a circuit
Example diagram:
Detailed video tutorials by Master Ivo:
The Radiant Half-Bridge Circuit is presented, explained into great detail, and shown working. It shows the impulse electricity, that Nikola Tesla used.
LMD resonance and TEM resonance are shown along side with phase shift anomalies.
1. Saying that radiant energy is in dynamic form means using high-frequency electrical oscillations to resonate, creating Overunity.
This is also a generator that uses resonance after high voltage extraction (through voltage transients at high frequencies). However, what is different here is that the resonant system is grounded. This makes a lot of theoretical difference to it. Theory: The Sea of Energy
Actually, Moray's radiant energy generator is still based on the principle of Nikola Tesla - Impulse Technology
On the theory and diagram for the construction of a radiant energy generator by Moray:
Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity