Radiant Energy with Bifilar coil - Impulse Technology

Nikola Tesla's 1901 patent for a radiant energy receiver specifies a mechanism that research specialist  refer to as "Impulse Technology".

Impulse Technology
Mechanism of impulse, inciting electrical oscillations, to act on a targeted electrical oscillation, to generate an electrical oscillation with arbitrary energy - Impulse Technology

From just one prototype, researchers were able to create multiple versions based on the first version of Tesla's Impulse technology.

Below I present a unique version that uses Bifilar coils in this technology to generate radiant energy.

Impulse Technology

When two or more oscillations are combined, if the combination of oscillations have the same frequency, we get oscillating resonance. The amplitude of the oscillation is then maximal. This also applies to the synthesis of electrical oscillations.

The voltage pulse has a very high value, which is generated due to the sudden switching of the circuit at the coil. Using this voltage to power an oscillator consisting of a capacitor and a coil will create an electrical oscillation, with a very high voltage amplitude.

High voltage due to sudden circuit breaking - electrical transient:

Video: C.P. Steinmetz explains electricity 03 Infinite voltage and current.

Tesla's pulse technology generates radiant energy: The combination of high voltage oscillations in a rhythm (same frequency), or resonance, to achieve maximum voltage, then called is pulse technology

Circuit switching is used by MOSFET and control square pulse. The Vuong voltage curve represents two states of power and no electricity, representing the closing and breaking of the circuit. This pulse will go into the MOSFET to make the circuit breaker.

The voltage signal of a square pulse over time, representing two states of the circuit on and off - with voltage and without voltage - negative and positive voltages.

For ease of understanding, in the figure above, you can consider the lowest amplitude of the voltage to be zero, and the upper amplitude to be positive. Or you can think of positive amplitude, then negative amplitude, then positive, ... and so on over time.

An example of transient voltage produced by square pulses and MOSFET: Radiant energy bifilar coil experiment - by Master Ivo

Map of electric:

Radiant Energy Bifilar coil

After the square pulse drives the MOSFET, then the generated electrical transient voltage:

The voltage generated by the electrical transient will charge the oscillator consisting of coil L3 and capacitor C2 after each cycle:

Radiant Energy - Free energy with pulse technology

In the voltage graph above, you can see that the voltage at the coil L3 (blue) is greater than the voltage at L2 (red). However, unlike a transformer, there is no reverse induced emf (Back EMF) to cause the current to decrease. Characteristic of Bifilar coil without "Back EMF" going. Furthermore, if there is back EMF, then the diodes in the circuit also block half of the signal. Since there is no Back EMF, this voltage pulse is also known as Longitudinal Impulse Electricity

Evidently, theoretically such as above exists free energy. This is essentially radiant energy created by Tesla's pulse technology.

Experimental power measurement in some other videos shows that the output power is greater than the input power. Master Ivo does not want to make this clear, because it would be a conflict of interest with energy corporations.

Video Radiant energy bifilar coil experiment

Using Nikola Tesla's Impulse Technology to generate radiant energy with Bifilar coils

1. The Series Resonant Bifilar Coil, Made For Longitudinal Impulse Electricity.

Circuit diagram:

Radiant Energy Bifilar coil
Circuit diagram: The Series Resonant Bifilar Coil, Made For Longitudinal Impulse Electricity

Presentation video:

The series resonant bifilar tesla coil is perfect for making use of impulse electricity. The impedance is cancelled out, leaving only the wire resistance. This video informs you about what is involved.

2. Radiant Half Bridge Circuit, For Longitudinal Waves

Circuit diagram:

Radiant Energy Bifilar coil

Presentation video:

The Radiant Half-Bridge Circuit is presented, explained into great detail, and shown working. It shows the impulse electricity, that Nikola Tesla used.

LMD resonance and TEM resonance are shown along side with phase shift anomalies.

Master Ivo's first radiant energy circuit begins a journey of experimentation and discovery. This trip helped Master Ivo shed light on what was needed to harness Nikola Tesla's radiant energy. Now, armed with this knowledge, the author introduces a new and improved circuit above

Radiant Coil Capacitor Circuit
Innovative circuit for radiant energy - impulse technology: Radiant Coil Capacitor Circuit

3. Some important notes

With the 2 videos above, Master Ivo used a Bifilar coil that acts as both an impedance coil and a capacitor. This is the unique thing about Bifilar coils. And only the coil generates longitudinal waves for pulse technology.

If you have a little knowledge of electricity, understand what Master Ivo has to say, it will be easy to see that the radiated energy generated is free energy: The output power is greater than the input power.

To be able to create a free energy generator based on the above circuit diagram, an additional inverter is required to convert the output voltage and high frequency. And it is possible to design a feedback circuit that feeds the square pulse generator and feedback to the "summetric power supply" in the diagram above.

Propose another version of radiant energy derived from Tesla's pulse technology:

Practical guide - in just one box - engineer Moray's way
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.


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